Freitag, 25. Dezember 2009

I can find a few of things, to hate you,
but... I knew, I never could hate you!

I don't know why,
but you're a kind of special!

Outside with ma girls. That's what Nightlife has look to.

Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2009

Love to be outside at nature!
Just me and the birds which sings perfectly over me!

If you do, what you want,

you take the right way!

Never do things,

which other people tell you!

I miss the hot summer, but snow is beautiful!

Woaah, it’s really cold here and I just miss my hot summer…

but the snow is so beautiful.

In night, it glitters… and it looks wonderful!

Just enjoy the wonderful snow and wait till -> MY HOT SUMMER!

Start your day happy!

Just, if you would like to start your day happy,

it would be wonderful!

The bright sun, looks down to you!